
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Ep 28 8 Reasons They Do Not Support You
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
You know that moment when something good happens and you just have to tell someone. Then that someone just doesn't seem to be happy for you?
Or you start to be successful and that once close friend now seems to be pulling away, or even worse talking behind your back?
You're left wondering "WHY", why don't they support me?
Why don't they celebrate with me?
I have 8 reasons why we sometimes don't get the support we feel we deserve.
Connect with me for the latest Life Coaching content on my newsletter HERE or email me at mark@markfennell.ie.
For my latest instagram content @markfennell.ie

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Ep27 How to Forgive Those That Hurt You
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
We have all been hurt. It stings, it aches, it is like a sore reopened every time we think of that person who hurt us.
In this episode let me share with you tips from followers and myself that will help you forgive and move on.
What if the person you need to forgive is yourself?
I know this podcast episode will certainly help. Please share it, tell the world about it, because the world is a place that needs a lot less bitterness and a whole lot more forgiveness.
Don't miss my upcoming courses and head to resources on www.markfennell.ie
Connect with me for the latest Life Coaching content on my newsletter HERE or email me at mark@markfennell.ie.
For my latest instagram content @markfennell.ie

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Ep26 The Power In Forgiveness
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Why should we forgive? They don't deserve my forgiveness for the pain and hurt they caused me.
If you've had your heart broken, been mistreated, had your trust broken, or been on the receiving end of abuse. This podcast is for you.
There is a power in forgiveness and it is something we don't always hear about.
Don't miss my upcoming courses and head to resources on www.markfennell.ie
Connect with me for the latest Life Coaching content on my newsletter HERE
For my latest instagram content @markfennell.ie

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Ep 25 The 6 Things You Need In Life
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
The 6 things you need in life. This episode is for anyone feeling stuck, lost, or not themselves. These are what we call the 6 human needs, we all have these 6 needs. They have to power to create a fulfilled happy life when they are being met, but when one or more are lacking it can lead to us feeling off.
The key take away is the fact we try get them all met in a healthy positive and balanced way. I also share some tips around them so you can grasp how they effect us.
Don't miss my upcoming courses head to resources on www.markfennell.ie
Connect with me for the latest Life Coaching content on my newsletter HERE
For my latest instagram content @markfennell.ie

Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Ep24 The 5 Biggest Regrets
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
The five biggest and most common regrets from people who are near the end of their lives. But the good news is this is a positive episode and one were I share what I went through this year that gave me a new appreciation for life.
I'll go through the 5 biggest regrets and what we can do so they don't become regrets of yours.
Connect with me for the latest Life Coaching content on my newsletter HERE
For my latest instagram content @markfennell.ie

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Ep23 Find The Message In Your Mess Strategy
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
We all have a story to tell of when something didn't work out. With that said todays episode from This Adult Life is a strategy on how to find the message from that mess.
I'll share a story of someone who certainly surprised me with their reaction to their life's work going up in flames.
Connect with me for the latest Life Coaching content on my newsletter HERE
For my latest instagram content @markfennell.ie

Friday Apr 09, 2021
Ep22 Six tips on emotions & perspective
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Finding perspective is something we know we all need at times, and in this podcast I'll share exactly how you can gain a new healthy perspective, but also how powerful and transformative it can be.
I'll also share with you 6 tips to transform how you feel. Tips to get back in control of your emotions and be a happier you.
Make sure to be a part of the vip club and sign up for free at this link here:
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Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Ep 21 Feeling Stuck In Life & What to do
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
When we feel stuck in life, it can be challenging to move on. Stuck in a rut or feeling there is no next step to take.
In this podcast let me help you get unstuck and move forward. Whether comparing ourselves or losing motivation has caused us to get stuck. This podcast will certainly help you get unstuck and feel that little bit better.
For more about me check out www.markfennell.ie

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Ep20 Why Haters Hate
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Were you ever bullied? Maybe you have been the victim of hatred online. In this episode of the podcast Life Coach Mark Fennell talks about why people hate and bully. What to do when you are the victim of a bully or hater. Also to understand why do people hate people? Why do bullies bully? Why do trolls troll?
Connect with Mark at https://linktr.ee/markfennell

Monday Aug 31, 2020
Ep19 How's Your Head?
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
How is your head? How are you feeling?
The answer is a lot of how we feel, who we are, and what we become all starts with what we think and the internal stories we tell ourselves. This podcast is an interview I had on radio here in Ireland all about how your thinking frames everything.
Connect with me https://linktr.ee/markfennell